Real Estate Solutions Delivered With Excellence
Let Halcon Companies, LLC in Powhatan, Virginia give you peace of mind by taking care of your real estate needs. We offer the following services to clients throughout the Southeast United States:

Securing Financing
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds
- Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) Funds
- Local Government Home Funds
- State Home Funds
- State Housing Trust or Other State Funds (ISHP)
- Project-based Vouchers

Design and Development Coordination
- Budget Refinement and Schedule Design
- Design Team Procurement and Oversight
- Method Guidance Delivery
- Scope-of-Work Refinement
- Zoning/Entitlement/Permitting Assistance

Project Assessment and Financial Analysis
- Budgeting and Modeling
- Entitlement and Zoning Analysis
- Preliminary Financial Structuring
- Project Viability Evaluation
Site Selection, Analysis, Scoring and Evaluation - Market Positioning
- Coordination of Third-Party Market Analysis

Pre-Construction and Construction
- Constructability Review
- Cost, Budget, Schedule, Quality Assurance, and
Quality Control (QAQC) - Day-to-Day Project Management, Including Owner-
Architect-Contractor (OAC) Relations - Document Controls
- Owner and Contractor Draw Requests

Development Strategy Planning
- Budget and Schedule Development
- Land Acquisition Strategy
- Marketing Strategy Development
- Project Design and Financial Programming
- Third-Party Vendor Management
- Visioning and Master Planning

Project Completion and Closeout
- Construction Contract Closeout Management
- Construction Loan Closeout Management
- Regulatory Review Management
- Post Project Materials
- Grand Opening (Ribbon Cutting) Coordination
- Development Summaries
- Cost Certification Assistance/Securing 8609's
Additional Services
- Community Engagement Marketing Material and Content Creation
- Coordination of Development Activities
- Develop Project Plan for Work Deliverables
- Digital Work Management
- Project Update Assistance with State
- Process Re-Engineering
- Stakeholder Engagement Facilitation
- Strategic Problem-Solving
- Streamlined Processes and Templates
- Business Process Improvement
- Analytical Project Management
- RFP/RFQ Response Packages
Talk to Us
If you have any questions about our real estate services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope to hear from you.