Our Partners in the Industry
Halcon Companies, LLC has collaborated with many other developers, individuals/outside contractors, third-party firms, development partners, lenders, investors, and others over the years to help develop outside-the-box affordable housing development ventures from a shared living residence for seniors, a special-needs shared living residence, USDA RD developments, and of course 9% and 4% tax-exempt bond LIHTC developments. We have far too many valuable individuals, firms, and organizations to list that we have collaborated with to list them and thank them all, but we would love to feature some of our collaborative Partnerships here on our website. If you have worked with Halcon, Traci Dusenbury, or any of our team members, and would like to be featured on our website, please send us the information at [email protected], and we would be happy to include you, with the hope that this will generate more collaborations and ultimately, higher-quality affordable housing opportunities for people who need it.